Friday, August 27, 2010

First Yarn Bomb

My first real yarn bombing opportunity has come to fruition! I came across the idea of yarn bombing from a poster for this event.  It was at the Regina public library in the garden.  I made this great big cascading waterfall in a week and installed it last night. (It is 8 feet long ish and 3-4 feet wide) Other bombers made the pool at the bottom and added the fish.  It was a really wonderful opportunity.  I thought I would take a day off after I put this up, however as soon as I got home last night I started planning my next move in Cathedral village. I have some personal projects I want to do up first but I am definitely daydreaming about a candyland tree.  I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Man I love this waterfall. It's so beautiful. You're amazing.
